
UO Duck Store
The University of Oregon Duck Store is an independent nonprofit store, owned and governed by UO students, faculty, and staff.

Course Materials
If your UO Online courses require textbooks or course packets, you can reserve them at the Course Materials section of the UO Duck Store website.

UO Libraries Services
At the University of Oregon Libraries website, you can connect to electronic resources, request materials and services, or do research.

Online Exam Center and Proctoring
UO Online coordinates proctored exams for online students in on-campus computer labs, currently, McKenzie Hall rooms 442 and 445. The Online Exam Center also helps coordinate off-campus testing locations for students outside the Eugene area. If your course requires in-person exams, you can coordinate a remote proctor or schedule on-campus exams through the Online Exam Center website.

UO Service Portal
At the IT Help Resources page, you can find out about setting up, maintaining and managing your UO accounts, and staying safe online.

Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar handles registration, records maintenance, degree audits, awarding degrees, course evaluations, veterans benefits, FERPA compliance, and transcript services.

Office of Academic Advising
The Office of Academic Advising provides academic advising and related services to all students, to help you make the best use of academic resources.

Accessible Education Center
The Accessible Education Center collaborates with students, faculty, staff, and the community to create an educational environment that is useable, equitable, sustainable, and inclusive for all members of the university community.

Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center
The Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center provides students with drop-in tutoring for a variety of subjects on the 4th floor of the Knight Library.