What is a proctored exam?
Some of your online courses will require you to take supervised exams. A proctor supervises you in-person while taking an exam to ensure academic integrity. Your instructor will indicate this requirement via the course catalog, syllabus, and through Canvas emails and announcements. For students residing in the Eugene-Springfield area, this is done by coming to the Knight Library at a prescheduled appointment to complete your course exam in our Exam Center. For students living elsewhere, a Remote Proctor needs to be identified by the student and a request submitted for approved by Exam Center staff in advance of the exam.
Student Responsibilities
- Be familiar with the proctoring procedures
- If in Eugene, schedule a time in advance to complete your exam on campus.
- If located elsewhere, make arrangments to have your exam remotely proctored.
- Be aware of and be prepared for use of a DUO six-digit passcode (not text message) at the time of your exam.
- Know your Canvas login credentials (DuckID and corresponding password)
- Bring Photo ID to your exam.
- Be aware of and follow academic integrity guidelines.
- If unusual circumstances occur, please contact your instructor as soon as possible.
Students needing accommodations may contact the Accessible Education Center. For those who need individual arrangements for exams from other institutions, please contact the UO Testing Center.
Spring 2025 Courses: BA 211Z, BA 213Z, BA 317, BA 322, BA 325, BA 680, Erth 310, Fin 316, Hum 300, Mktg 390, Mktg 468, OBA 312, SBus 456, Span 203.
CLOSED May 26th
Exam Registration
Contact Us
Room 19, Knight Library
UO Online Proctor: 541-346-3352
Canvas Support and General Inquiries: 541-346-1900
LMS Support and Assessment Manager: 541-346-0324