Proctored Exams
If your online course includes proctored exams, you will need to schedule an appointment to take an exam supervised by university staff at the UO Online Exam Center located in the Knight Library, Room 19, across the hall from the UO Testing Center.
If you would like to schedule your appointment at our Portland Northeast campus location, please visit the bottom of our Off-Campus Proctoring page.
Students who require accommodations will need to schedule exams through the Accessible Education Center and will not use our scheduling system.
Before your exam
Schedule an appointment
You must reserve a time slot to complete your exam. You can schedule an appointment using the scheduling form linked below. Exam appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Without an appointment, you will not be able to take your exam due to seat availability.
Students cannot reserve a time slot more than two weeks in advance of the exam window (dates between which the exam can be taken). Example: if your exam deadline is during Week 6, you will have to wait until Week 4 to schedule your exam. The exam deadline date is the last day to take your exam. We recommend taking your exam before this date.
We are closed November 28th until December 2nd for Thanksgiving weekend.
Students who require accommodations will need to schedule exams through the Accessible Education Center.
For more information on how to reschedule an exam, please visit the How to Reschedule an Exam page.
For more information on how to cancel an exam, please visit the How to Cancel an Exam page.
Bring your photo ID, DuckID credentials, and DUO authentication device (usually a personal phone)
Bring a photo ID with you to the exam. You may not begin an exam without proper ID. Exams are delivered through Canvas, so you must know your login credentials and have your DUO authentication code ready (i.e. your UOregon email, password, and DUO device). To access your Canvas course, you will need to use a Two-step Login code (DUO) in addition to your Duck ID credentials.
At your appointment
Arrive 10 minutes before your exam appointment
Exams may not begin later than 10 minutes after your scheduled appointment. If you arrive more than 10 minutes after your exam’s scheduled start time, it will be considered a forfeited appointment and a new appointment will be required.
Exam Policies
- Students must work within the Online Exam Center schedule to complete exams. The exam center will not stay open beyond regular hours.
- Students must arrive no later than 10 minutes after their scheduled appointment. If students arrive more than 10 minutes after their scheduled appointment, it will be considered a forfeited appointment and a new appointment will be required.
- Bring a Photo ID with you to the exam.
- Students must make a reservation for each of their class exams, up to two weeks in advance of the date of the exam. Exam appointments are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. By putting off scheduling until the last moment, students run the risk of losing the opportunity to take the exam.
- Exam appointments can be made through the use of the Online Exam Center scheduling form.
General Exam Conditions & Policies
- No materials are allowed other than those specified directly by the course instructor to the Online Exam Center staff.
- No talking or leaving the lab while an exam is in progress. This includes bathroom breaks.
- No beverages are allowed at the computer stations.
- Students wearing baseball hats must remove them or turn the bill to the back during exams. Hoods are not allowed to cover the head during exams.
- Each student's computer will be monitored by proctors and by video while taking exams.
- Students taking exams can use the scratch paper provided by the proctors. Scratch paper must be returned to the proctor after the exam for disposal.